"Together Apart" presents a contemporary audiovisual spectacle, natively composed and delivered in cutting edge Spatial Audio with ground breaking visuals by award winning artists.

This 55 minute immersive feast is a modern art experience, delivering strong positive messages. It unfolds in 5 chapters telling stories of how we divide, unite, disconnect and belong.

Junkerry led a team of visual artists and musicians from multiple cultures and diverse backgrounds, weaving together a vibrant tapestry of voices from India, Africa, UK, France, Poland, and the Netherlands.

An all female visual team of acclaimed 4D artists Lucy Hardcastle along with award winning fulldome artists Alice Kilkenny, Em Briselden-Waters and Natalia Oliwaik transport audiences to another reality.

In a world where we increasingly absorb culture in a solitary way, Together Apart offerts a meaningful shared experience

All female creative team

Fulldome test

Team at workshop